余暇とおじさんの役割 Create skills and connect with the world




Create skills  and connect with the world

What is the sustainable thing to aim for?

The first is to think realistically.The future should not be forecasted, but it is certain that there is no case where economically mature countries have achieved economic growth rates of 3 to 4% again, even from a historical point of view. President Trump and Prime Minister Abe are aiming for a high economic growth rate. But that do not lead to a solution to the problem, simply by empowering the public with excessive expectations.

Second, the political leader dose not speak rumors.As you know, the president of the United States won the election in a lot of rumors during the election, but this is a very dangerous sign.

The third is to open the whole country more. In Japan, which is an island country, there are cultural barriers as well as physical walls. America is more diverse than Japan, that is a strength of the American economy.

The answer to the question "How can we survive?" is "If you have the skills you can apply at the global level, it flourts no matter where you are."

With famous skills, as many people visit in remote areas. If you create striking skills and talents and connect with the world, the places will be rich. I think that the potential is located all over the country.






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