日本の歴史 ① Jomon and Yayoi period

① Jomon and Yayoi period
 I do not know when people have settled in this Japanese archipelago, but ancient people sent lives of hunting and gathering, using stone tools.
About ten thousand years ago, a lot of clay pottery pottery (Jomon style pottery) was made in addition to wooden appliances, stoneware and bone horn vessel.
Some of the earthenware also have powerful decorations like flames.
In the 2nd century BC, the culture of metallurgical instruments such as bronze ware and ironware was transmitted along with the techniques of rice cultivation from the continent, spreading from Kitakyushu throughout the country.
The society of the Yayoi period was a community based on agriculture, people settled in the village by agriculture.
In addition to bronze ware such as "Douutaku" and "Douhoko", iron tools such as cutlery have rapidly developed woodworking technology, wooden agricultural tools and weaving tools were also made.
Earthenware has become a thing with a functional and simple modeling suitable for practical use called Yayoi type pottery.

① 縄文・弥生時代





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