大宮紹介 Description of Hikawa Shrine company
Description of Hikawa Shrine company
According to the Shinto shrine, Hikawa Shrine is said to be founded for more than 2,400 years now, that was April of the third year of the Kousyou's Emperor.
Enshrined deity Susanou is a god of triplet born from Izanami with Amaterasu Daijin and Tukiyomi gods.
He is known a powerful and disturbing god such as the exterminate of Yamatano snake(Yamatanoorochi) .
Oonamuchi no mikoto(大己貴命)is a God of domestic management that is the Son of Susanou and handed over the land to "Niniginomikoto" (天孫瓊々杵命).
Inadahime is the Empress of Susanou and she is the mother of Oonamuchi no mikoto.
This Three Gods were worshiped here for nationwide management and MinFukuAnhanShou(民福安昌祈願) prayers.
It is believed that the position of this shrine became heavier as the prestige of the Yamato Imperial Court extended to the east.
The place where the shrine is settled is located on the Omiya plateau, and among them, it is located at a high protruding position like a nose, so the place name in the area is called Taka Hana Town.
In the east side of the Shinto shrine, there was a vast lake called Minuma(見沼), which was the source of rich soil formation.
"Kamanuma", also known as "Misen" is a lake which praised the sacred water which gives rich blessing grace, and Minumatamei(見沼溜井) developed in the Edo era is a large reservoir approximately 39 km around was. It is said that the Kamii pond in the precincts is now a remnant of Minuma, and spring water from the serpent's pond in the god area is abundantly poured.
Even from a geographical point of view, the land which had Minuma are fertile, with good transportation to the east, west, north and south, people are increasingly prosperous and it is believed to have become the foundation of today.
In the 12th emperor's era(景行天皇) , "Yamatotakeru(日本武尊)" has been told that we visited this shrine and prayed for Toui's praying. In the era of the thirteenth emperor(成務天皇), the Izumo family 's brother (兄多毛比命 ) became Musashi Kunzaku by the Imperial Court and worshiped the Hikawa Shrine, and the shrine's divine power shines more and more.
and it raised the formality.
In the reign of Emperor Shoomu(聖武天皇) about a thousand and two hundred years ago from now it is set as Musashi Ichinomiya.
It is a Myojin-taisha Shrine listed in Engishiki (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers).Which was established in the era of Emperor Daigo(醍醐天皇).
I keep it for an offering from an official in the monthly Harvest Festival plan.
In addition, I kept it for extraordinary festival in (奉幣) and especially received veneration of the successive reigns thick.
In addition, in the samurai era, such as Kamakura, Ashikaga, Hojo, Tokugawa etc. successively honor our shrine.
The Jisyou 4 years(治承四年) Yoritomo(源頼朝公) ordered Sanehira Dohi(土肥次郎実平) to rebuild the shrine.
In Bunroku 5year's August, Mr. Tokugawa took charge of Ina Bizen (伊奈備前守忠次) as a magistrate and built everything in the shrin.
In Kanbun 7 year's March,(寛文七年三月), we are constructing a shrine with magistrate Abe Bunngo(阿部豊後守).
Pardon me, there are some wrong in during description of Hikawa Shrine company - I am studing English now.
According to the Shinto shrine, Hikawa Shrine is said to be founded for more than 2,400 years now, that was April of the third year of the Kousyou's Emperor.
Enshrined deity Susanou is a god of triplet born from Izanami with Amaterasu Daijin and Tukiyomi gods.
He is known a powerful and disturbing god such as the exterminate of Yamatano snake(Yamatanoorochi) .
Oonamuchi no mikoto(大己貴命)is a God of domestic management that is the Son of Susanou and handed over the land to "Niniginomikoto" (天孫瓊々杵命).
Inadahime is the Empress of Susanou and she is the mother of Oonamuchi no mikoto.
This Three Gods were worshiped here for nationwide management and MinFukuAnhanShou(民福安昌祈願) prayers.
It is believed that the position of this shrine became heavier as the prestige of the Yamato Imperial Court extended to the east.
The place where the shrine is settled is located on the Omiya plateau, and among them, it is located at a high protruding position like a nose, so the place name in the area is called Taka Hana Town.
In the east side of the Shinto shrine, there was a vast lake called Minuma(見沼), which was the source of rich soil formation.
"Kamanuma", also known as "Misen" is a lake which praised the sacred water which gives rich blessing grace, and Minumatamei(見沼溜井) developed in the Edo era is a large reservoir approximately 39 km around was. It is said that the Kamii pond in the precincts is now a remnant of Minuma, and spring water from the serpent's pond in the god area is abundantly poured.
Even from a geographical point of view, the land which had Minuma are fertile, with good transportation to the east, west, north and south, people are increasingly prosperous and it is believed to have become the foundation of today.
In the 12th emperor's era(景行天皇) , "Yamatotakeru(日本武尊)" has been told that we visited this shrine and prayed for Toui's praying. In the era of the thirteenth emperor(成務天皇), the Izumo family 's brother (兄多毛比命 ) became Musashi Kunzaku by the Imperial Court and worshiped the Hikawa Shrine, and the shrine's divine power shines more and more.
and it raised the formality.
In the reign of Emperor Shoomu(聖武天皇) about a thousand and two hundred years ago from now it is set as Musashi Ichinomiya.
It is a Myojin-taisha Shrine listed in Engishiki (an ancient book for codes and procedures on national rites and prayers).Which was established in the era of Emperor Daigo(醍醐天皇).
I keep it for an offering from an official in the monthly Harvest Festival plan.
In addition, I kept it for extraordinary festival in (奉幣) and especially received veneration of the successive reigns thick.
In addition, in the samurai era, such as Kamakura, Ashikaga, Hojo, Tokugawa etc. successively honor our shrine.
The Jisyou 4 years(治承四年) Yoritomo(源頼朝公) ordered Sanehira Dohi(土肥次郎実平) to rebuild the shrine.
In Bunroku 5year's August, Mr. Tokugawa took charge of Ina Bizen (伊奈備前守忠次) as a magistrate and built everything in the shrin.
In Kanbun 7 year's March,(寛文七年三月), we are constructing a shrine with magistrate Abe Bunngo(阿部豊後守).
Pardon me, there are some wrong in during description of Hikawa Shrine company - I am studing English now.